

作者:大兔 / 大兔的滚筒洗脑机



















































並且,小傢伙還有另一個重要的身份:它是澳大利亞第一對同性企鵝,Sphen和 Magic的崽。小傢伙現在還沒有被正式取名,於是就被大家稱為Sphengic(Sphen與Magic合在一起)。


要說Sphen和 Magic,簡直就是水族館裡的模範情侶,不知從何時起,工作人員注意到,他倆變得如膠似漆,不是我追著你。






















不要因為這對就不相信愛情了,另一對同性企鵝,生活紐約水族館的Wendell 和 Cass,早在Roy和Silo出櫃前就已經在一起了,並且從未分開,直到2004年Cass去世,是真的「直到死亡把我們分開」。





















我们可以看到,女性被压迫和LGBTQIA被压迫是同一个根源造成的:以私有制为基础的父权独裁制度,所以要消灭压迫,就必须要推翻私有制。当然,这是最终目标,在最终目标达成之前,缓和压迫的手段有很多,例如实现福利国家,政府承担抚养成本解放女性,以及为跨性别者提供必要的医疗护理(激素和手术);例如进行反歧视立法,禁止任何名义任何形式的古拉格,以及实行禁止鼓吹歧视和仇恨的Hate Speech Law;例如政府为性少数提供工作,并禁止企业随意解雇员工,规定同工必须同酬……..但有一点始终要记住,这些手段只能缓和压迫,无法消除压迫,而且私有制会随时展开反击毁灭这些手段带来的成果。所以,私有制必须死!

参考资料:The Socialist Feminist Project

What is Socialist Feminism?

A revolutionary strategy for gay liberation

Trump’s transphobic attack is deeper than definitions(川普的跨性别恐惧症攻击比其定义的更严重)

SHOCK AND sickness produced a heaviness in my body that kept me pinned me under the covers all Sunday.


Moments after waking up that morning, I saw the notification on my partner’s phone. There among the night’s e-mails and missed messages, one word stood out with urgency: “transgender.”

那天早上醒来后,我看到了我的伴侣手机上的通知。 在夜间的电子邮件和错过的信息中,有一个词紧急的站出来了:“跨性别者”。

By now, many people have read and responded, in words and actions, to the New York Times article revealing a Trump administration memo that directs federal agencies to “define sex as male or female, unchangeable, and determined by the genitals that a person is born with,” the Times reported.


But as I scanned the article in an anxious rush, all I could feel was a void left in place of the expectation of a comfortable Sunday spent with my partner. All I could feel was myself coming apart as my limbs drifted further and further from me.

但是当我急切地扫描这篇文章时,我所感受到的只是一片空白,而不是期待与我的伴侣度过一个舒适的星期天。 我只能感觉到我开始分裂了,我的四肢越来越远离我。

The administration memo was a reminder of that precarious knowledge: that to be out in the world is, for me, not a right.


ACCORDING TO the Times, “the Department of Health and Human Services is spearheading an effort to establish a legal definition of sex” under federal civil rights law that rolls back decisions made by the Obama administration to recognize that gender is not defined by the sex assigned at birth.


The Times headline for the article — “‘Transgender’ could be defined out of existence under Trump administration” — was itself problematic, in that trans people are not at risk of being “defined out of existence.” Our existence is a fact and will never be up for question — just as systematic oppression, marginalization, violence, exclusion and the constant questioning of our legitimacy are also facts of trans existence.

“泰晤士报”的标题 —“’跨性别’可能在特朗普政府统治下被定义为不存在” —本身也存在问题,因为跨性别者并没有被“定义为不存在”的风险。我们的存在是事实和意志,这永远不会是问题—正如系统性的压迫,边缘化,暴力,排斥和不断质疑我们的合法性,这些也是跨性别者存在所导致的事实。

But in a way, that language about being “defined out of existence” — which could also be found at the Guardian, Washington Post and Reuters — reveals the precise intentions of the Trump administration.

但在某种程度上,关于被“定义为不存在”的语言 —也可以在卫报,华盛顿邮报和路透社中找到 —揭示了特朗普政府的确切意图。

The project of erasing trans life from public consciousness depends, above all, on the notion that our existence is a matter of debate that can be resolved by appealing to some unquestionable formula, rooted in a warped sense of “biology” — by identifying the genitals one is born with, through some imagined genetic test that could clarify the matter, if necessary.

从公众意识中抹去跨性别者生命的项目首先取决于这样一种观念,即我们的存在是一个有争议的问题,可以通过吸引一些基于扭曲的“生物学”感觉的无可置疑的公式来解决—通过识别一个人出生时的生殖器。 如果有必要的话,可以通过一些想象的基因测试来解释这个问题。

Besides the fact that “sex characteristics” are expressed very differently in different bodies, even when those bodies have been grouped under the categories of “male” and “female” — and besides the fact of the existence of intersex persons — the very idea that social rights can be determined by a false binary created through an assessment of genitalia at birth is absurd enough to make clear how politically motivated any discussion of the invalidity of trans life really is.


Though the full legal implications of the administration memo are unclear, it will doubtless give further license to transphobes, especially those with power over trans lives.


According to the Times, Title IX civil rights law is to be enforced in a way that will allow federal institutions to permit discrimination against trans people in hiring, cases of sexual harassment, access to housing and education and protection from hate crimes. As trans activist Evan Greer wrote, the memo “allows for government-enforced poverty and homelessness.”

据泰晤士报报道,第九条民权法的执行方式将允许联邦机构允许在招聘,性骚扰案件,获得住房和教育以及保护免受仇恨犯罪方面歧视跨性别者。正如跨性别活动家Evan Greer所写的那样,这份备忘录“允许政府强加贫困和无家可归”。

There is precedent in the courts that understands “sex discrimination” to include discrimination against trans people, so there may be limits to the overall scope and effectiveness of the memo.


But for right now, trans activist and legal advocate Dean Spade rightly warns that administration officials will feel greater confidence to act in completely discriminatory ways — just as they have with regard to immigrants and detention centers. Spade writes:

但就目前而言,跨性别活动家和法律倡导者Dean Spade正确地警告说,政府官员将会以完全歧视的方式展现出更大的信心—就像他们对待移民和拘留中心一样。 Spade写道:

In areas where there has not been a clear definition or policy regarding how gender is established or changed, these plans could create a norm that keeps trans people out of basic services and makes us more vulnerable to discrimination and violence. In areas where advocacy has led to improved policies, it could roll those back. Trans people could see renewed and enhanced barriers in health care, education, employment, ID and other key areas.


In other words, the Trump administration’s actions are part of a social battle over trans equality, over our communities’ access to society as a whole. The intent of the attack is to push us into the shadows, out of our jobs and our neighborhoods, and out of whatever sense of security we might have achieved after decades of struggle in the LGBT and feminist movements.


ISSUES PERTAINING to trans oppression go to the basic question of participation in broader society.


Prior to this, the Trump administration had already rescinded protections for students in public schools seeking to use the bathroom that best corresponds to their gender. In North Carolina, a 2016 bill barred transgender people from using bathrooms that don’t match their birth certificate.


What is at stake here is not merely a choice between rooms, but a fight over whether trans people should have the ability to go out in public space.


The memo further extends the attempt to exclude into basic needs — in particular, housing and jobs.


One in five trans people has experienced homelessness, and one in four trans people have lost a job due to discrimination. For many trans women and trans femmes of color, the threats police violence and sexual violence are constant.

五分之一的跨性别者经历过无家可归,四分之一的跨性别者由于歧视而失去工作。 对于许多跨性别女人和非白人跨性别女性而言,警察暴力和性暴力的威胁是经常存在的。

Statistics attest to the rates of sexual violence against incarcerated trans people, the number of trans women murdered just this year, lack of access to health care and disproportionate levels of poverty — all of which points to the same thing: trans people, and particularly trans people of color, suffer uniquely in the degree to which marginalization is experienced.


On a cultural and ideological level, there have been significant gains in terms of inclusion and recognition of our community since what Time magazine referred to in 2014 as a “transgender tipping point” in awareness and recognition of trans people in broader society.


These gains have meant a profound change in mainstream willingness to accept transgender people. Clearly, this has not meant a change in safety and stability for all trans people, but the recent attacks by the Trump administration indicate the growing far right’s intense desire to reverse the situation.

这些进步意味着接受跨性别者的主流意愿发生了深刻的变化。 显然,这并不意味着所有跨性别者的安全和稳定都会发生变化,但川普政府最近的攻击表明,极右纳粹们强烈反对这种情况。

IN RECENT years, the movement for trans inclusion has become a rallying point for a growing far right.


For those with reactionary politics, complicated social issues can be explained in terms of the “decay” of traditional institutions like the family — and particularly the stability of male identity, which is all the more urgent for the right in the wake of the #MeToo movement.


Trans rights are a paradigmatic case of ideological and cultural gains, and are thus highlighted for attack. In this sense, a political strategy undergirds the attacks we face, rooted in the questioning of the legitimacy of trans identity, as well as its presentation as a threat.


As trans socialist Alyssa Pariah argued recently, to the extent that the Trump administration is unable to live up to its promises, issues which can bind and cohere a base around questions like trans rights and abortion become increasingly important.

正如跨性别社会主义者Alyssa Pariah最近所说的那样,川普政府无法兑现其承诺,因此能够绑定和联合一个以跨性别权利和堕胎等问题为基础的基本盘变得越来越重要。

One feature of conservative politics in the U.S. has always been a desire to impose control on people’s bodies, whether that be through security, policing or abrogating the right to bodily self-determination. The Trump memo can be seen as an instruction on how the state might determine and restrict people’s rights based on their bodies.

美国保守政治的一个特点一直都是试图对人民的身体施加控制,无论是通过安全,监管还是废除身体自决的权利。 特朗普的备忘录可以看作是关于国家如何根据人民自己的身体来决定和限制人民权利的指示。

All this rests on the premise that the state has the right to know about people’s bodies in the first place. And then, of course, there is the limitation of access to medical resources, which directly inhibits people’s right to modify their body however they like.

所有这一切都取决于国家有权首先了解人民的身体。 然后,当然,存在医疗资源获取的限制,这直接禁止了人们根据自己的喜好修改自己的身体的权利。

This is quite close to the way that the right turns the bodies of many cis women and other people who can get pregnant into a battlefield through the fight over abortion. The conclusion to draw is that bodily autonomy is integral to all fights against gender oppression.


Marxist feminists Tithi Bhattacharya and Sue Ferguson have written about how capital has an interest in producing and regulating bodies of a certain kind.

马克思女权主义者Tithi Bhattacharya和Sue Ferguson写过关于资本如何拥有在生产和管制身体上的特定利益。

They write that the trans impetus to manipulate our bodies with hormones or surgeries reflects a “prioritizing [of] life over capital” and a resistance against the way that capitalism finds cis bodies to be cheaper to produce and regulate through “psycho-social investment in the heterosexist, cis-gendered norms.”


Looked at this way, the defense of trans rights has something quite important to say about what socialist liberation might mean. Although it is not the same as freedom itself, the right to modify one’s body in whatever way one chooses is an exercise in self-ownership that stands in direct tension to capitalism’s constant appropriation of bodies that labor.

从这个角度来看,捍卫跨性别者权利对于社会主义解放可能意味着什么来说具有重要意义。 虽然它与自由本身并不相同,但是任何人选择自己想要的方式修改自己身体的权利都是一种对自我所有权的实践,这种行为与资本主义对劳动者的身体的经常性的霸占直接关联。

AS I absorbed the news about the Trump administration memo last Sunday, I turned my head into my partner’s shoulder and squeezed, and she squeezed back, hard enough to keep my rib cage from coming apart, hard enough to protect my heart and lungs.


Maybe this feeling — of dissipating, of dissolving — will be familiar to my trans siblings. It is easier to ignore one’s body this way.


I ask myself sometimes why I seek out this oblivion. It’s not quite right to say that it is simply because “my existence isn’t recognized.” Perhaps it is that I am indeed recognized — just continually and violently mis-recognized. This leaves me with an incessant tension that takes and takes, leaving me exhausted.

我有时会问自己为什么要寻找这种失去知觉的感觉。 说这只是因为“我的存在不被承认”并不恰当。也许是因为我确实得到了认可—只是不断地和暴力地被误认。这让我不断处于紧张状态,使我精疲力尽。

This is the feeling that encroaches when I sense eyes upon me, when I raise my gaze to meet them or ignore the looks and scurry past, when my moments of confidence and beauty feel stolen by the words of a passerby. It is the sense of alienation born of the knowledge that what I am is not what I am for so many people.

当我感觉到有眼睛盯着我时,当我抬起目光面对他们或忽视外表然后匆匆过去时,当我的信心和美丽的时刻被路人的话语偷走时,这种感觉会侵蚀我。 ”我是什么“不是”对于许多人来说我是什么“的认识产生了隔离感。

On Sunday, I stayed in bed, ignored my phone and missed a brilliant protest with a number of trans organizers as speakers. Many of my trans friends, acquaintances and ex-lovers posted photos. I would have liked solace of knowing that the protest had happened, but knowing I wasn’t there only left me emptier.

星期天,我一直躺在床上,无视我的电话,错过了与一些跨性别组织者作为演讲者的精彩抗议。 我的许多跨性别朋友,熟人和前恋人都张贴了照片。 我本来希望知道抗议活动已经发生,但我知道我不在那里只会让我更加空虚。

But as I write, I am also excited and hopeful. A new socialist movement is being born, and my sincere hope is that we can respond to this attack, and all attacks against trans people, with the force of the largest working-class movement we can build.

但正如我写的那样,我也很兴奋和充满希望。 一个新的社会主义运动正在诞生,我真诚地希望我们能够以我们能够建立的最大的工人阶级运动的力量来应对这次攻击以及对跨性别者的所有攻击。

Still, trans lives are being turned into a battlefield at a time when the gains of our movement continue to rest on precarious foundations.


LIBERALISM ISN’T equipped to respond effectively to the kind of reactionary politics we are seeing, and it is therefore the responsibility of the Left to take the defense of trans life seriously.


Many articles since the administration memo was revealed have offered wonderful advice on how to better treat the trans people around us, and how to support direct services for the most vulnerable. But it’s also important for the left to focus on more than just mitigating existing oppression. We have to fight for something better.

自管理备忘录披露以来,许多文章就如何更好地对待我们周围的跨性别者提供了很好的建议,以及如何为最弱势的群体提供直接服务。 但是,重要的是左派关注的不仅仅是减轻现有的压迫。我们必须争取更好的未来。

The multiculturalism put forward by the mainstream Democratic Party is a paltry response to the profoundly social forms of oppression experienced by the trans community. The kinds of solutions that could make the most substantial changes in people’s lives — affordable housing, free education, free and universal access to health care — are the kind of things for which only the left can assume responsibility.


But “universalist” demands alone aren’t enough, either to truly change the circumstances of trans people, or to build an emancipated, socialist society.


Medicare For All must guarantee the right to all medical treatments requested by trans people — including facial feminization surgery, for example, a procedure which is almost never covered. Public works projects must come along with a serious commitment to hire all, and not repeat the employment segregation that accompanied the New Deal of the 1930s. The same goes for housing and education.

针对所有人的医疗保障必须保证对跨性别者要求的所有医学治疗的权利—包括面部女性化手术,一个例子,一种几乎从未涉及的程序。公共工作项目必须承诺雇佣所有人,而不是重复伴随20世纪30年代新政时期的就业隔离。 住房和教育也是如此。

All these require a particular attentiveness and commitment to the interests of trans people that goes beyond providing a universal right.


Trans people also have a stake in other fights — against police brutality, immigrant detention centers and border violence, for example — not only for these struggles to be effective, but also for the socialist movement to mean more than the distribution of social resources.


An analysis which understands these linkages is crucial, but so is a sense of solidarity that goes beyond tactical considerations.


Working class agency is the crucial lever for exercising this kind of power — and here, a fight for the inclusion of trans people and their struggles in our unions is important. In my union, I’m working to get a resolution passed in support of trans people and against the Trump administration action.


And in terms of the socialist movement, an awareness of trans issues must shape the propaganda that we put forward, and we must make sure candidates that we stand or support be prepared to not only respond effectively when there is a threat, but also articulate a positive vision, whenever possible in conjunction with the demands of trans activists.


The possibilities for our bodies and our lives are limited under capitalism. The socialist impulse is to fundamentally change this condition.


Those of us who are trans are often people who so can’t bear the weight of this constraint on our very bodies that we live in a way which subjects us to further oppression. That impulse is, however, one that doesn’t solely belong to us.

我们这些跨性别者往往是那些无法承受这种对我们身体进行限制的人,我们生活的方式使我们受到进一步的压迫。 然而,这种渴望不仅仅属于我们。

A socialist emancipation will have to be an emancipation from the way capitalism organizes gender and alienates our bodily life. Toward that end, the defense of trans life must be a principle for the movement that we today seek to build.

社会主义解放必须是对资本主义组织的性别和隔离我们身体的生活方式的解放。 为此,捍卫跨性别者生命必须成为我们今天寻求建立的运动的原则。

Thanks to Rachel Himes for her help with this article.


David McReynolds, 1929-2018

Jason Schulman(这位是DSA的成员,和DSA副主席Joseph Schwartz合写了迈向自由:民主社会主义者的理论和实践

David McReynolds也是DSA的成员,并且是一个同性恋者,我之前翻译过他的一篇文章:Queer Reflections(关于同性恋的思考)

September 27, 2018

David McReynolds/Photo: Ed Hedemann

David McReynolds was a titan of the peace and justice movement, a socialist, pacifist, Socialist and Green party political candidate, and photographer.  He helped organize one of the earliest draft-card burning protests against the Vietnam War and served on the staff of the War Resisters League for 40 years, remaining active with the organization afterwards.  He was the first openly gay presidential candidate for any party, running on the Socialist Party ticket in 1980. His photography included his international travel, civil rights, demonstrations, the War Resister’s League, the Socialist Party, and cats, among other topics.

David McReynolds是和平与正义运动的巨人,社会主义者,和平主义者,社会党和绿党政治候选人,以及摄影师。他帮助组织了一场反对越南战争的最早的选秀卡片抗议活动,并在反对战争联盟作为工作人员服务了40年,之后继续活跃于该组织中。 他是第一个公开的同性恋总统候选人,在1980年作为社会党候选人参加竞选。他的摄影包括他的国际旅行,民权,示威游行,反对战争联盟,社会党和猫等等主题。

Jason Schulman, who knew McReynolds, discusses his activist history and political views.

Jason Schulman是了解McReynolds的人,讨论了他的活动家历史和政治观点。

David McReynolds was the first “Old Leftist” I ever met, back in 1996, at one of a number of ill-fated 1990s meetings of representatives of socialist organizations in New York City hoping for some sort of “left unity” around a common project. Strictly speaking, David wasn’t an “Old Leftist” – that label was affixed to members of the Socialist Party (SP), Communist Party (CP) or the Trotskyist groups of the 1930s and 1940s. David was “inbetween” the Old and New Lefts, joining both the SP and the radical-pacifist War Resisters League (WRL) in 1951.

David McReynolds是我见过的第一个“老左派”,是于1996年在纽约市作为社会主义组织代表参加的一系列命运多变的会议之一上见到的,这些会议希望在一个共同的项目中有某种“左派团结”。严格地说,David不是一个“老左派” —这个标签被贴在社会党(SP),共产党(CP)或20世纪30年代和40年代的托洛茨基主义团体的成员身上。1951年,大卫在新旧左派”之间“加入社会党和激进和平主义的反对战争联盟(WRL)。

David’s main inspiration was the Communist-turned-socialist-pacifist Bayard Rustin (1912-1987), who by 1949 was the organizer for “race relations” in the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), an interfaith nonviolent-action organization. David – who refused being drafted into the Korean War and won his case “on a technicality” – began working for Liberation magazine in 1957 under Rustin and A.J. Muste (1885-1967), who was a founder of the FOR (and a former Trotskyist). In 1960 he became a “peace movement bureaucrat,” becoming part of the WRL staff where he remained until retiring in 1999. He helped Rustin organize the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, organized one of the first draft card burnings, wrote often for the explicitly pacifist WIN magazine, and played a major role in some important demonstrations against the Vietnam War.

大卫的主要灵感来自共产主义—社会主义—和平主义者Bayard Rustin(1912-1987),他在1949年是一个跨宗教非暴力行动组织:合作与和解(FOR)的“种族关系”的组织者。David—拒绝被卷入朝鲜战争并以“技术性”赢得他的案件 —于1957年开始在Rustin和A.J. Muste(1885-1967)的解放杂志上工作,他是FOR(和一个前托洛茨基主义者)的创始人。 1960年,他成为了一名“和平运动官僚”,成为WRL工作人员的一员,直到1999年才退休。他帮助Rustin组织了1963年在华盛顿的为工作和自由的游行,组织了最初的卡片烧毁运动之一,经常为明确的和平主义WIN杂志写作,并在一些反对越南战争的重要示威中发挥了重要作用。

In the early 1970s, David’s anti-war Debs Caucus finally split from the Cold Warriors who dominated the re-named SP, the Social Democrats USA (SDUSA), taking the name “Socialist Party USA.” The SPUSA would be David’s primary “socialist home” until 2015, when he resigned, claiming that the party had neither a healthy internal life nor political relevance. He also paid dues to the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) from the 1980s until his death.

在20世纪70年代早期,David的反战Debs Caucus最终从冰冷战士中脱离出来,这些人统治了重新命名的SP,美国社会民主党(SDUSA),取代了原先的“美国社会党”.SPUSA将成为David的主要“社会主义之家”“直到2015年,当他辞职时,声称该党既没有健康的内部生活也没有政治相关性。从1980s到他去世,他还一直向美国民主社会主义者(DSA)支付会费。

But long before 2015, David was the first openly gay man to run for president, on the SP ticket in 1980. He did the same again in 2000, leading to an appearance on Bill Maher’s “Politically Incorrect” show on ABC, winning over much of the audience to Maher’s chagrin. Unlike Rustin, who had been “outed” in 1953 via being “busted” for “lewd conduct” in a parked car with another man, David came out in the pages of WIN in 1969. He revealed that he’d been aware of his sexual orientation since 1949, when he began a brief relationship with Alvin Ailey at UCLA, where both men were undergraduates. Ailey, of course, later became a celebrated  choreographer, popularizer of modern dance, and founder of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. (Ironically, before running for president, David had run for Congress from Lower Manhattan as a candidate of the Peace and Freedom Party in 1968 – when the Party’s presidential candidate was the notoriously homophobic Eldridge Cleaver of the Black Panther Party.) He would again run for office as a Senate candidate for the New York State Green Party in 2004.

但早在2015年之前,大卫就是1980年代表SP成员竞选总统的第一个公开的男同性恋。他在2000年再次做了同样的事情,导致Bill Maher在ABC的节目上出现了“政治不正确”,赢得了很多观众对Maher的愤怒。与于1953年因与另一名男子在一辆停放的汽车中进行“猥亵行为”而被“殴打”的Rustin不同的是,David于1969年在WIN的页面中出柜。他透露说自1949年以来已经知道他的性取向,他开始与加州大学洛杉矶分校的Alvin Ailey建立短暂的关系,当时两人都未毕业。当然,Ailey后来成为著名的舞蹈指导,现代舞的普及者,以及Alvin Ailey美国舞蹈剧院的创始人。(具有讽刺意味的是,在竞选总统之前,David曾在1968年作为和平与自由党的候选人在曼哈顿下城竞选国会议员—当时党的总统候选人是黑豹党的臭名昭著的恐同的Eldridge Cleaver。)他于2004年再次作为纽约州绿党候选人参与参议院选举。

Although for a time David was on the editorial board of the “Third Camp” socialist magazine New Politics and he considered himself a Marxist, his overall political orientation was fairly distant from the heterodox Trotskyism that informed the outlook of NP’s founding editors, the late Julius and Phyllis Jacobson. Undoubtedly this was partly due to David’s anger at having been “burned” by the Jacobsons’ former comrades in the Independent Socialist League (ISL), particularly by its leader Max Shachtman. The ISL had dissolved their organization and joined the SP as individuals in 1958. David, who was on the left edge of the SP, expected that the ex-ISL members would push the Party to be more radical. The exact opposite happened, as many “Shachtmanites” – who became the dominant faction in the SP – soon expressed support (“critically,” of course) for the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Lyndon Johnson administration, and the Vietnam War. (Tragically, Bayard Rustin joined this faction, abandoning his socialist pacifism.) David also believed that the orthodox Trotskyists of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) played a “splitter” role in the anti-Vietnam War movement. So it isn’t that surprising that David decided that “Stalinism versus Trotskyism” was really little more than a remnant of a power struggle between two authoritarian individuals, though he did admire “Shachtmanites” who retained their old political perspectives, such as Hal Draper and others around NP.

虽然有一段时间David在“第三阵营”的社会主义杂志New Politics的编辑委员会中,他也认为自己是马克思主义者,但他的整体政治取向与非正统的托洛茨基主义相当遥远,这影响了NP的创始编辑,已故的Julius的和Phyllis Jacobson的观点。毫无疑问,这部分是由于David对被Jacobsons在独立社会主义联盟(ISL)中的前同志,特别是其领导人Max Shachtman(Max Shachtman)“烧伤”感到愤怒。 ISL解散了他们的组织并于1958年作为个人加入了SP。David位于SP的左翼,他们希望前ISL成员能够推动党变得更加激进。恰恰相反,正如许多“Shachtmanites”—他们成为SP中的主导派系— 很快表达了对猪湾入侵,林登约翰逊政府和越南战争的支持(当然是“批判性的”)。(悲剧的是,Bayard Rustin加入了这个派系,放弃了他的社会和平主义。)David还认为社会主义工人党(SWP)的正统托洛茨基主义者在反越战运动中发挥了“分裂者”的作用。因此,大卫认为“斯大林主义对抗托洛茨基主义”只不过是两个威权主义者之间权力斗争的残余而已,这并不令人惊讶,尽管他确实钦佩保留旧政治观点的“Shachtmanites”,如Hal Draper以及NP周围的其他人。

David was a very warm person and was my only connection to deceased figures of the “literary left” such as Allen Ginsberg and James Baldwin. I admired him. Over time, however, it became clear that our outlooks were rather different. That said, most of the time, David was on the right side, and I will miss him.

David是一个非常热情的人,是我与 Allen Ginsberg和James Baldwi等“文学左派”已故人物的唯一联系。 我很钦佩他。 然而,随着时间的推移,我们的眼界变得明显不同。也就是说,大多数时候,大卫在右侧,我会想念他。

Jason Schulman is a co-editor of New Politics. He is the editor of Rosa Luxemburg: Her Life and Legacy (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013) and author of Neoliberal Labour Governments and the Union Response (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).

Jason Schulman是New Politics的联合编辑。 他是罗莎卢森堡:她的生活与遗产(Palgrave Macmillan,2013)的编辑,和对新自由主义工党政府和联盟回应的作者(Palgrave Macmillan,2015)。

David McReynolds, 1929-2018




1898年,德国社会民主党创始人之一的August Babel(倍倍尔)率先公开支持同性恋平权,成为世界上第一个在公开辩论中支持性少数平权的政治人物。简单介绍一下当时的情况:On 13 January 1898, the leader of the great German Social Democracy, August Bebel, took the floor of the Reichstag, during a discussion of penal code reform, to argue for a petition being circulated by the Scientific Humanitarian Committee calling for the repeal of Germany’s sodomy statute, Paragraph 175. The Scientific Humanitarian Committee (wissenschaftlich-humanitäre Komitée), the world’s first activist homosexual rights organization, was itself only nine months old at the time, having been founded on 15 May 1897 by Magnus Hirschfeld, Max Spohr, and Erich Oberg.

1898年1月13日,伟大的德国社会民主党领袖August Bebel在讨论刑法改革时,发表了国会大厦的讲话,为了支持科学人道主义委员会要求废除德国刑法的第175段的鸡奸法律而辩论。科学人道主义委员会(wissenschaftlich-humanitäreKomitée)是世界上第一个活跃的同性恋权利组织,当时只有九个月大,由Magnus Hirschfeld,Max Spohr和Erich Oberg于1897年5月15日成立。

While he may not have been the first politician to support homosexual emancipation — before him we should at least have to give credit to Napoleon’s Chancellor, Cambacérès — Bebel so far as we know was the first to speak out in public debate.

虽然他可能不是第一个支持同性恋解放的政治家 – 在他之前,我们至少应该赞扬拿破仑的首相Cambacérès——迄今为止Bebel是我们知道的第一个在公开辩论中为此发言的人。

Bebel was one of the first four men to sign the Scientific Humanitarian Committee’s petition, which originally was in the form of a manifesto (the other three were Ernst von Wildenbruch, Richard von Krafft-Ebing, and Franz von Liszt). With the prestige of Bebel and the support of the Social Democracy behind it, the early homosexual rights activists were at least assured of a hearing, although their main goal, the repeal of Germany’s sodomy statute, was only to be realized seven decades later. The support of the Social Democracy for the homosexual emancipation movement continued for three and a half decades — until both movements were destroyed by the triumph of Nazism in 1933. and just as the socialists were the strongest (almost the only) supporters of homosexual rights, the most zealous opponents were to be found in the Center Party, the political arm of the Roman Church.

Bebel是签署科学人道主义委员会请愿书的最前面的四人之一,该请愿书最初是以宣言的形式出现的(其他三人是Ernst von Wildenbruch, Richard von Krafft-Ebing, 和Franz von Liszt)。在Bebel的声望和社会民主党的支持下,早期的同性恋权利活动家至少得到了被听取的保证,尽管他们的主要目标—废除德国的鸡奸法律,在七十年后才实现。社会民主党对同性恋解放运动的支持持续了三十五年—直到1933年纳粹主义的胜利摧毁了这两个运动。正如社会主义者是同性恋权利的最强(以及几乎唯一的)支持者一样, 最热心的对手是在罗马教会的政治分部中央党中找到的。

来源:On Homosexuality and the Penal Code



答案揭晓:苏俄!别不相信,看看资料吧:Within two months of taking power,the Soviet government abolished all laws against homosexual acts.This reform was an integral part of the Bolsheviks` social legislation designed to wipe out the medieval and even earlier oppressions perpetuated by capitalism for its own purposes.”It was necessary, it was said,”Wilhelm Reich wrote,”to take down the walls which separated the homosexuals from the rest of society.”

在掌权后的两个月内,苏维埃政府废除了所有反对同性性行为的法律。这项改革是布尔什维克的社会立法的一个组成部分,旨在为其自身目的而长期存在的资本主义的甚至更早的中世纪的压迫。“这是必要的,有人说,“Wilhelm Reich写道,”砸烂将同性恋者与社会中的其他人分开的隔离墙。“

The Bolsheviks` attitude was not merely a formal one, for incorporation into law but violated in practice. For example, the poet Mikhail Kuzmin, the first important Russian writer to make homosexual love a central theme of his work, published Zanaveshannye Kartinki, a collection of erotic verse illustrated with homoerotic drawings , in 1920. He continued publishing until 1929,well after the Stalinist bureaucracy had consolidated its hold on political power.

布尔什维克的态度不仅仅只是一种形式上的态度,形式上的态度是说法律上符合但在实践中被违反。 例如,诗人Mikhail Kuzmin是第一位将同性恋爱作为其作品中心主题的重要俄罗斯作家,于1920年出版了Zanaveshannye Kartinki,这是一部用色情绘画搭配的同性色情诗集。他继续出版直到1929年, 斯大林主义的官僚机构巩固了对政治权力的控制。

Between them,Stalinism and fascism destroyed the gay liberation movement for a generation . Only small, cautious groups survived in a few countries.

在他们之间,斯大林主义和法西斯主义在一代人的时间内摧毁了同性恋解放运动。 只有少数谨慎的小组在少数几个国家幸存下来。

It was not until the development of the modern youth radicalization in the 1960s that the opportunity again opened for the development of a militant and mass homosexual rights movement. Beginning with anti-imperialist issues, this radicalization has gradually broadened to effect oppressed nationalities , women ,homosexuals, and now,increasingly the organized working class. The June 1969 Stonewall riots, announcing the birth of the gay liberation movement, proved the truth of the observation that in this period of radicalization , there is no group that is too oppressed to struggle.

直到20世纪60年代现代青年激进化发展,才再次为发展激进和大规模的同性恋权利运动开辟了机会。 从反帝国主义问题开始,这种激进化逐渐扩大到受压迫的民族,女性,同性恋者,以及现在越来越多地变得有组织的工人阶级。 1969年6月宣布同性恋解放运动诞生的石墙暴动证明了这一观察的真实性,即在这个激进化时期,没有任何一个群体过于受压迫而无法抗争。

来源:A revolutionary strategy for gay liberation (这份资料中详细讲述了性少数平权的历史,以及对性少数的压迫的起源,我这里只摘录了一小部分,以后我会逐渐翻译介绍其他内容。)




最后,欣赏一下性少数们自己的旗帜吧(资料来源LGBT symbols):




































New study probes the genetic roots of transgender identity (新研究探测到了跨性别认同的基因根源)


A new study led by researchers from the Hudson Institute of Medical Research in Australia has identified 12 significant genetic differences between transgender women and non-transgender males. It is hypothesized that these genes, known to be involved in sex hormone signaling, possibly contribute to a person’s ultimate sense of gender identity.

由澳大利亚哈德森医学研究所的研究人员领导的一项新研究发现,跨性别女性和非跨性别男性之间有12个明显的基因差异。 据推测,这些已知参与性激素信号传导的基因可能有助于塑造一个人对性别认同的最终认识。

The study analyzed the DNA of 380 transgender woman, compared to a control of 344 non-transgender males. The results identified twelve functional genetic variants in transgender women correlating with genes involved in regulating the sex hormones estrogen and androgen.

该研究分析了380名跨性别女性的DNA,并与344名顺性别男性对照比较。 结果是确定了跨性别女性中的12种功能性遗传变异,这些变异与参与调节雌性激素和雄性激素的基因相关。

“This is the world’s largest and most comprehensive study examining changes in genes that control sex hormone signaling in transgender women,” says lead author on the study, Vincent Harley. “It identifies several new genes or genetic variations never before looked at in gender dysphoria.”

“这是世界上规模最大和最全面的研究控制跨性别女性性激素信号传导的基因变化的研究,”该研究的主要作者Vincent Harley说。“它确定了几种新的基因或遗传变异,而这些之前从未在性别焦虑中被关注过。”

The new study is part of a growing body of research examining the possible biological origins of gender identity. Earlier this year a team from Augusta University presented some results from a yet to be peer-reviewed study identifying a number of genetic variants suggested to play a role in transgender identity.

这项新研究是越来越多的研究性别认同的可能的生物起源研究的一部分。 今年早些时候,Augusta大学的一个研究小组提出了一项尚未经过同行评审的研究结果,该研究确定了许多被认为在跨性别身份中发挥作用的遗传变异。

Another study, again presented in early 2018, examined brain activity in transgender children. The results claimed the MRI scans revealed patterns of brain activation in the transgender children that more closely resembled their desired gender, as opposed to their biological sex.


An even larger study that sets out to comprehensively examine the genomes of 10,000 subjects (of which 3,000 are transgender) is currently underway. Spanning five institutions across Europe and the United States, this work is again on the hunt for genetic markers that can offer clues to a biological origin underpinning gender identity.


These studies are undeniably provocative, with much debate still circling over questions around the origins of gender identity. In an interview with ABC News in Australia, Sally Goldner from Transgender Victoria fairly sums up the pros and cons of this kind of scientific essentialism.

这些研究无疑是具有挑战性的,围绕性别认同起源的问题仍然存在很多争论。 在接受澳大利亚ABC新闻采访时,Transgender Victoria的Sally Goldner公平地总结了这种科学本质主义的利弊。

“It’s good to see [the research] back up what we already know — that we are who we are,” says Goldner. “It’s not so good if people don’t seem to fit some sort of genetic test, if that was ever developed.”

“很高兴看到[研究]支持我们已经知道的东西 —我们就是我们自己,”Goldner说。 “但如果某些用于跨性别检测的基因测试甚至发展出来了,要是有些人没办法得到吻合的结果而被否定,那就不大好了。”

Vincent Harley certainly agrees that the goal of his research is not to reduce gender identity to a simple genetic origin. Instead, he hopes the work helps to lessen discrimination and distress experienced by transgender people.

Vincent Harley肯定同意他的研究目标不是将性别认同降低到简单的遗传起源。 相反,他希望这项工作有助于减少跨性别者所遭受的歧视和苦难。

“What makes you feel like a male or female is complex and involves interactions between many different genes, much like height, weight or blood pressure,” says Harley. “However, while genes play a role, they are not the only factors involved in determining gender identity.”

“让你觉得是男性或女性的因素是复杂的,涉及许多不同基因之间的相互作用,就像身高,体重或血压一样,”Harley说。 “然而,尽管基因发挥了作用,但它们并不是决定性别认同的唯一因素。”






現代同性戀身份(有別與其它許多其他歷史時空中的同性戀身份)興起於19世紀末20世紀初的發達資本主義國家的中產階級。這樣的同性戀身份認同之下,「同性戀」所指涉的是以同性為情欲和情感對象、不進入異性戀的情感與婚姻家庭關係、不改變自己的「原生」性別、認為自己從屬於一個男/女同性戀群體人。同性戀歷史學家John D’Emilio在對二十世紀美國同性戀運動的考察中解釋道:正是資本主義發展為這樣的身份認同形式創造了條件。當勞動力可以在市場中自由買賣的體制出現後,一大群男/女性在十九世紀後期開始自稱為同性戀者,她/他們認為自己屬於同類型人群中的一員並以某種身份認同在組織參與政治鬥爭。資本主義生產方式的出現使得「以家庭為生產單位」的佃農轉換成「自由」的勞動者。一些脫離異性戀家庭的雇傭勞動者得以在異性戀家庭以外發展自己對同性的愛戀,進而建立起個人獨特的生活方式。到了20世紀初,在大都市許多男/女同性戀者的小圈子開始形成。同時,資本主義的生產方式也改變了人們對家庭的看法,家庭成為個人生活的場所,在此男人、女人形成歡愉和相互鼓勵的關系;而不再是以往作為工作、生產的公共場所。於是乎,一對一的異性戀關係成為一種建立親密關係、促進喜悅歡樂經驗的方式。家庭意義的轉變令得一些人可以有機會來發展自己同性愛為中心的個人生活。

二戰以後,面對美國政府嚴酷的打壓和麥卡錫主義的白色恐怖,同性戀組織開始逐步激化,同性戀認同開始變得組織化和運動化。1950年,以Henry Hays為首的五名美國共產黨人創辦了同性戀地下組織Mattachine社。充滿左翼色彩的Mattachine和當時主要以「同性愛」為中心的地下聯誼會有著顯著的不同。通過在不同地區開展讀書小組,Mattachine一直堅持與勞工和少數族裔合作,認為必須要組織同性戀的集體行動才能改變壓迫同性戀的社會結構,爭取全世界所有少數群體的自由。這種將同性戀的受壓迫狀況和更廣大弱勢群體的命運聯繫在一起的視角,對於當時還將同性戀作為小資產階級意識形態的主流左翼來說是難以想象的。




Carl Whitman在1969年的《同性戀宣言》中將同性戀鬥爭矛頭直指資本主義的生產方式、家庭制度和異性戀霸權的意識形態。








Lisa Duggan在全球新自由主義的背景下提出了「新的同性戀正統」(new homonormativity)的說法。針對80年代以來的同性戀運動,她發現絕大多數的同性戀運動不但不挑戰以異性戀正統為前提的霸權制度,並且支持並繼續維持這套體制。同時,這樣的政治向國家和異性戀霸權許諾,只要「性少數」能夠獲得同等的(局限在婚姻、參軍、養育方面)權利,那麽被政治動員的同性戀群體將會被遣散,同志文化將全面的私有化、去政治化並且固定在家庭生活與消費領域。



沒錯,雇傭勞動和家庭結構功能的轉變讓許多人得以脫離異性戀核心家庭在都市的空間中發展自己的同性情欲和關係。問題在於消費資本主義到了今天,我們在工作以外的一切生活和空間都被私有化、商品化,我們只能依靠極低的工資和福利來消費商品滿足生老病死還有幾乎所有的社交需要。要做一個能交到朋友的同性戀,你必須要有消費的品味和能力,會穿衣打扮,能夠出席同性戀的社交場合,長得不可以難看(不好看就花錢去整啊)。有許多人相信一個個以同性戀友好為標語兜售產品的「彩虹經濟」能夠讓社會變得更好。沒準不久的將來,國際不再恐同日也會變成另外一個購物狂歡節。可是誰會變得更好呢?是庫克和他的同性伴侶還是富士康流水線上正在為國際不在恐同日購物節加班趕貨的同性戀工人? 在反對對同性戀的暴力的一天,我們需要厘清的是究竟要反對誰對誰的暴力?在同性戀的驕傲的日子裡,究竟誰才可以驕傲?



TERFs have no place on the left(敌视跨性别者的“女权主义者”在左派中没有位置)


THIS YEAR, at the annual Socialism conference hosted by the International Socialist Organization (ISO) in Chicago, we were quite dismayed by the appearance and participation of a local Chicago socialist (not in the ISO) notorious for her outspoken support for trans-exclusive “feminist” (TERF) ideology.

今年,在国际社会主义组织(ISO)在芝加哥举办的年度社会主义会议上,我们对一个当地芝加哥社会主义者(不是ISO成员)的出现和参与感到非常惊讶,因为她直言不讳地支持反跨性别“ 女权主义“(TERF)的意识形态。

For years, this person, who is a signer on an atrocious open letter advocating the rights of TERFs to express their bigotry in left spaces, has had opportunities to engage and learn that these “ideas” are not welcome in the ISO or our events. This person, however, did not limit herself to attendance.

多年来,这个一封残暴的主张TERF在左翼空间表达偏见的公开信上签字的人有机会参与并了解到这些“想法”在ISO或我们的活动中不受欢迎。 然而,这并没有限制她自己出席。

We learned on the final day of the conference that she was there to organize, when she handed an old friend, previous political collaborator and out non-binary ISO member an anti-trans treatise colored in Marxism.


We do not know how many other conference attendees received this piece of garbage — one comrade receiving it was one too many. We celebrate that other than this infringement on our well-being, the remainder of the conference was an overwhelmingly safe and beautiful space for people of all genders and expressions.

我们不知道有多少其他参会者收到了这片垃圾 ——一位战友收到都太多。我们庆祝除了这个造成了对我们的福祉的侵犯之外,会议的其余部分对于所有性别和表达的人来说都是绝对安全和美丽的空间。

This reinforces our pride as members of a socialist organization that demonstrates in practice a deep and thorough commitment to trans liberation, and against TERFism. Immediately after the conclusion of the conference, the organizers released an unequivocal statement on the conference Facebook page condemning the actions of this person and reporting the organizers have banned her from future ISO events.


Given that some confusion seems to exist about whether TERFism is just one among a “diversity of opinions” that are equally worthy of engaging on the left, we thought we would take some steps to review the absolute bankruptcy of these garbage ideas.


Despite being a very small minority in the left, TERFs — aka radfems — have caused havoc for trans folks for decades. Despite claiming to be part of the left of the feminist movement, TERFs’ politics on gender tend to align more with that of the far right.


So much so that TERFs have both collaborated with and have been heavily funded by far right groups in their quest to fight any legislation that betters the lives of trans people and in their push for legislation that makes life worse for trans folks.


If we do not rid the left of this toxic movement, it will continue to grow like a tumor and persist in making the lives of our trans and gender non-conforming comrades hell, while also serving as a significant barrier to winning broader gains for the feminist movement overall.


TERFISM IS a break off of radical feminism, a movement that came out of second wave feminism in the 1960s. Radical feminists believe that instead of the capitalist class and the working class being the two competing class interests in society, the two competing interests are that of (the immutable categories of) men and women.


They believe that men are innately the oppressors of women, and that all things masculine are the source of the problems in the world. The views of radical feminism are very much that of gender essentialism.

他们认为男人天生就是女人的压迫者,男性的一切都是世界上的问题的根源。 激进女权主义的观点非常类似于性别本质主义。

Valerie Solanas, in her 1968 book SCUM Manifesto — SCUM being an acronym for the Society for Cutting up Men — puts a call out for women to get rid of the male sex altogether. The more mainstream solution of the radical feminists was complete separatism from men as opposed to fighting the capitalist system.

Valerie Solanas在其1968年出版的“SCUM宣言”——SCUM是与男性切割的社会(The Society for Cutting up Men)的首字母缩略词——呼吁女性完全摆脱和男性进行性行为。 激进女权主义者的主流解决方案是与男性完全分开,而不是与资本主义制度作斗争。

One of their main projects was fighting against pornography. The radical feminists’ ideas began to wane in the mid-1970s as third wave feminism began to change the landscape of feminists ideas as it added an intersectional approach to feminism and incorporated the ideas of Black feminism in a way mainstream second wave feminism did not.

他们的主要项目之一是打击色情。 1970s中期激进女权主义者的思想开始衰落,因为第三次浪潮女权主义开始改变女权主义思想的格局,因为它在女权主义中增加了交叉方法,并将黑人女权主义的思想用主流第二波女权主义没有的方式纳入。

One of the first known splits where trans-exclusive feminism began to become a full-fledged ideology among radical feminists was in 1973. Beth Elliot, a trans woman, was set to perform at the West Coast Lesbian Conference. In response, a group called the Gutter Dykes leafleted the conference calling for Beth to be removed from the bill.

1973年,反跨性别女权主义开始成为激进女权主义中的一个成熟的意识形态,并第一个分裂出来。跨性别女性Beth Elliot将参加西海岸的女同性恋会议。 作为回应,一个名为Gutter Dykes的团体宣传要求将Beth从会议中剔除。

After Robin Morgan, who was the keynote speaker, gave a horrendous speech defaming Beth, a group began to storm the stage in attempt to beat Beth when she went on stage to play her set. Comedy duo Harrison and Tyler, who were set to play the conference later, jumped on to the stage to defend Beth and were beaten as well.

在作为主要发言人的Robin Morgan发表诽谤Beth的骇人听闻的演讲之后,一群人开始闯入讲台,试图在她上台扮演她的角色时殴打Beth。后来准备参加会议的喜剧二人组Harrison和Tyler跳上讲台为Beth辩护并遭到殴打。

Robin Tyler of the duo said in a later interview, “You know what’s interesting? Rather than fighting who’s oppressing us, TERFs go after the most oppressed people instead of building a coalition. It was all just shocking to me!”

二人组中的Robin Tyler在后来的采访中说:“你知道有趣的是什么吗? 比起打击压迫我们的人,TERF们追逐受压迫最严重的人,而不是建立一个联盟。 这对我来说非常震惊!“

In 1974, Janice G. Raymond published The Transexual Empire: The Making of the She-Male, a book that cemented TERF politics and attempted to curb gender reassignment surgeries. The book was accepted by mainstream psychiatrists and set back the transgender movement significantly.

1974年,Janice G. Raymond出版了“跨性别帝国:制造女性化的男人”,这本书巩固了TERF政治并试图压制变性手术。这本书被主流精神病学家接受,并显着损害了跨性别运动。

The National Center for Healthcare Technology sought out Raymond to write its statement on trans medical care. Her statement allowed health insurances to reject claims for trans-related health care and made it impossible for working-class trans people to safely access the life-saving care they needed for decades.

国家医疗保障技术中心寻求Raymond撰写关于跨性别医疗的声明。 她的声明允许医疗保险拒绝对跨性别医疗保障的索赔,并使工人阶级的跨性别者几十年来无法安全地获得他们生存所需的护理。

IN THE summer of 1991, at Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival (Michfest), the largest gathering of women each year in the U.S., lead organizers released a widely disseminated statement proclaiming a new policy that the festival was for “womyn-born-womyn” only.


When Nancy Burkholder went to the festival that year with her partner for the second time, she was escorted to the gates and kicked out of the festival in the middle of the night for being outed as a trans woman — sparking the “Where’s Nancy” movement.

当Nancy Burkholder第二次和她的伴侣一起去那个节日时,她被押送到大门,并在半夜被踢出节日,因为她是一个跨性别女人—引发了“Nancy在哪里”运动。

Riki Wilchins, a trans activist, created a place to protest the exclusionary and transphobic policy held at the same time of the festival nearby called “Camp Trans.” Camp Trans’ goal was to create a dialogue with the attendees of MichFest to advocate for the inclusion of trans women in the festival.

跨性别活动家Riki Wilchins创造了一个地方,抗议在附近的节日的排他性的和敌视跨性别者的政策,叫做“跨性别者的营地”.跨性别者的营地的目标是与MichFest的参与者建立对话以倡导将跨性别女人纳入节日中。

Leadership emerged from Leslie Feinberg and a group calling themselves the Lesbian Avengers [founders of the Dyke Marches that happen across the country as an alternative to commercial Pride festivals, and now known as the more inclusively named Queer Avengers], a trans-inclusive group that formed in 1992 to fight for lesbian issues with direct action.

被来自Leslie Feinberg和一个自称为女同性恋复仇者的团体[Dyke Marches的创始人,发生在全国各地,作为商业化的Pride节日的替代品,现在被称为更为包容的同性恋复仇者]的领导所鼓舞,一个跨性别包容团体成立于1992年,以直接行动对抗女同性恋问题。

Members of Camp Trans successfully entered the grounds of Michfest in 1994 for a dialogue, which seemed at the moment to be relatively successful. However, in following years, the TERFs of Michfest, including founder Lisa Vogel, continued with their volatile exclusion of trans women from the land and spreading their hateful ideas under the guise of “creating a safe space for women.”

跨性别营地的成员于1994年成功进入Michfest,进行对话,目前看来相对成功。 然而,在接下来的几年里,包括创始人Lisa Vogel在内的Michfest的TERF们继续不断地将跨性别女人排斥在地域之外,并以“为女性创造安全空间”的幌子传播他们的仇恨思想。

It is worth noting, however, the divisive and contradictory position they held, wherein trans men were allowed on the land because TERFs considered them “women-born” as part of their transmisgynist ideology.


TERF leadership promoted the ideology of sexualizing trans women’s bodies as inherently endangering other women’s safety, while at the same time celebrating other forms of gender non-conformity and queer sexuality on festival grounds. (See Julia Serano’s account of Camp Trans’s intervention into MichFest in her 2013 Excluded for more on this.)

TERF领导层提倡将跨性别女人的身体性别化的意识形态视为危害其他女性的安全,同时在节日的基础上庆祝其他形式的性别不一致和同性恋。(请参阅Julia Serano关于跨性别者的营地在2013年对MichFest进行干预的说明。)

IN 1999, the Lesbian Avengers attempted to enter the land as a group bringing a 16-year-old trans girl with them. They were all sold tickets after disclosing to festival organizers that there were members of their group that was trans. They were hosting a workshop the next day to have a dialogue.

1999年,女同性恋复仇者们试图将一名16岁的跨性别女孩带进这里。在向节日组织者披露他们的团体成员是跨性别者之后,她们都被卖了门票。 她们第二天主持了一个工作室进行对话。

As soon as they arrived on the land they were harassed by attendees shouting things like “Man on the Land.” The festival organizers escorted them to a tent where TERFs verbally attacked and threatened the life of the 16-year-old. Here is an excerpt from an interview with Cristan Williams about the groups experience.

当他们到达这里时,他们受到了参与者们的骚扰,他们大喊“这里有男人”之类的。节日组织者押送他们到一个帐篷里,在这里TERF们口头攻击并威胁着这个16岁的人的生命。以下摘录自对Cristan Williams关于团体经历的采访。

“S. [Lesbian Avenger]: About 10 TERFs were waiting for us when we came in. The whole ‘MAN ON THE LAND!’ started as soon as we walked in. I mean, at the time, we’re kids, we’re teenagers and these are all adults. I mean, when I think about it now, it was just so fucked up. We were trying to give out T-shirts and stickers about being inclusive. But it was getting bad.

S. [女同性恋复仇者]:当我们进来的时候,大约有10个TERF在等着我们。他们在我们一进门就开始喊’这里有男人!’。我的意思是,当时我们是孩子,我们是青少年,而她们都是成年人。 我的意思是,当我现在想起来的时候,它真是太糟糕了。我们试图给出关于包容的T恤和贴纸。 但它变坏了。

K. [trans girl in the group]: A huge crowd of yelling people formed around us, and I started crying at that point. It got so loud that Nomy Lamm, who was performing there as part of Sister Spit, came over and stood up for us…The crowd and me were walked over to a tent area. The way that it worked was that there was a queue of people who were going to get to say whatever they wanted to say. I remember, specifically, one woman looking right at me and telling me that I needed to leave the Land as soon as possible because she had a knife and didn’t know if she would be able to control herself if I was around her.

K. [团体中的跨性别女孩]:在我们周围形成了一大群大喊大叫的人,我开始哭泣。它变得如此响亮以至于作为Spit Sister的一部分在那里演出的Nomy Lamm过来为我们说话……人群和我走到了帐篷区。 它的工作方式是,那里有一列人会说出他们想说的话。 我记得,具体来说,有一个女人看着我并告诉我,我需要尽快离开这里,因为她有一把刀,她不知道如果我在她身边,她是否能控制自己。

Cristan Williams: WHAT? How did people react to that death threat?

Cristan Williams:什么? 人们是如何应对这种死亡威胁的?

K: Because of the way they were queuing, as soon as one person stopped speaking, another would start, so nobody said or did anything about the death threat. At that point, I checked out. At first I was sobbing and [B] was holding my face close to hers, telling me that it would be over soon, but then I just checked out.

K:由于他们排队的方式,一旦一个人停止说话,另一个人就会开始,所以没有人对死亡威胁说或做任何事情。 那时,我观察了一下。 起初我抽泣着,[B]抱着我的脸靠近她,告诉我这一切会很快结束,但之后我只是观察。

S: The moderator did nothing. It was just a mud-slinging, hatred pouring out. It was just like one by one by one being like, ‘You’re a rapist! You’re raping the Land! You’re destroying womanhood! I don’t know what I’m going to do to you!’ — it was just violent, hatred, and I know that most of it was geared at [K]. I was up there being attacked, but I wasn’t getting the brunt of it. This went on for at least two hours.

S:主持者什么也没做。 这只是一种冒犯,仇恨倾泻而出。 这就像一个接一个地说,’你是一个强奸犯! 你在强奸这里! 你正在摧毁女人! 我不知道我要对你做什么!’ —这只是暴力,仇恨,我知道大部分都是在针对[K]。 我在那里受到攻击,但我没有受到冲击。 这持续了至少两个小时。

At least 30 people were allowed to speak at us, but there were around 75 under the tent, and if you included the people around the tent who were watching and listening, well over 100.


IN 2011, trans women defied the “women-born-women” policy and bought tickets and attended the festival as part of a group called “Trans Women Belong Here.” They handed out T-shirts and buttons to be worn by allies throughout the weekend and passed out flyers and zines condemning the policy.


The next few years, a huge boycott was called of the festival. Petitions went out calling on the artist to pull out of the festival, and ticket sales plummeted. In 2015, Lisa Vogel decided that rather than change the policy and open up the festival,she would rather shutter its gates for good in the name of trans exclusion.

接下来的几年里,一场巨大的呼吁针对节日的抵制开始了。请愿书们要求艺术家退出音乐节,门票销售量急剧下降。 在2015年,Lisa Vogel决定,比起改变政策和开放节日,她宁愿以反跨性别者的名义关闭它的大门。

The TERFs now have a new leader. Cathy Brennan who runs the website Gender Identity Watch, where she doxxes (outs and publicly shames) not only trans adults, but also trans youth on her website genderidentitywatch.com. She has internet-bullied multiple trans youth to the point where they almost took their own lives.

TERF们现在有了新的领导者。 Cathy Brennan负责管理“性别认同观察”网站,她在网站genderidentitywatch.com上不仅doxxes(赶走和公开羞辱)成年人,还有跨性别青少年。 她通过网络欺凌多个跨性别青年直到到她们几乎拿走了自己的生命。

She submitted a letter to the United Nations opposing legislation that would outlaw discrimination based on gender identity and gender expression. She is, quite plainly, a garbage person from garbage island.

她向联合国提交了一封信,反对立法禁止基于性别认同和性别表达的歧视。 很明显,她是个来自垃圾岛的垃圾人。

In the UK, the left has experienced an infiltration of TERF ideology.


During Pride season of 2018, the TERFs used their internet platform to threaten violence against trans people who participate in Pride festivals. At London Pride, a small group of TERFs protested the front of the parade and were allowed by the London Pride to lead the parade.


In an age where trans and gender non-conforming folks are murdered at alarming rates, 23 in 2016, 28 in 2017 and 16 so far this year, the ideology promoted by TERFs is incredibly dangerous to our community.


While some on the left may dismiss TERFs as just having “bad ideas about gender,” their actions have very real material consequences for trans people every day. We need to be very clear that we stand in solidarity with all of our trans and gender non-conforming comrades and will stand up for them and with them against these bigots anywhere they try to spread their hate.


As socialists, we are fighting for a world where all are free to express their gender freely without fear. The solidarity among and between folks of all gender identities is not only needed to win trans liberation, but also essential to undermine all forms of gendered oppression, no matter who is impacted.


TERFism is not only transphobia dressed in leftist language — it is a dead end that will only hamper any anti-oppression movement or campaign. As socialist and feminist fighters committed to full liberation, we must remain steadfast to defeat the pull of hateful and deadly ideologies, whether found on the left or the right.


Solidarity is truly the only way to win.

