发展中国家每年因为逃税行为损失高达50亿美元,相当于经合组织(OCDE)的所有国家每年官方发展援助(APD)的资金总数。发达国家对此也深受其害,以法国为例,2002年到2012年逃税损失约达250亿欧元,相当于2015年法国财政收入的10%,法国最富有人群和企业约有2200亿资产隐藏在瑞士和其他避税天堂,每年瑞士银行约将平均8500万欧元的法国应得税收收入转入私人腰包(Christian Chavagneux,Ces 600 milliards, qui manquent a la france,2012)。也就是因为此,各国政府频繁给予瑞士银行压力,主要还是瑞士是发达国家的主要避税点,那些发展中国家富豪热爱的各种小岛国目前依然逍遥自在。
2008年的金融海啸,美国家庭损失的财富总和达到110000亿美元,相当于德国、日本和英国当年国民生产总值的总和(Mitra Kalita,Americans Sees 18% of Wealth Vanish,Wall Street Journal,March 13,2009)。随即,布什总统动用7000亿美元作为金融救助计划基金来拯救这些“大而不能倒”(too big to fail)的金融公司,公众对此感到愤怒,因为在正常年份,华尔街赚的盆满钵满,然而遇到了危机——危机的源头还是华尔街出于贪婪滥发金融衍生品导致——却要用财政收入、也就是纳税人的钱给他们擦屁股。
然而让公众出离愤怒的,是之后爆出的奖金事件:美国保险业巨头美国国际集团(A.I.G),因为被公司旗下高风险金融衍生品拖垮,获得了1730亿美元的金融援助基金,然而,公司缺将1.65亿美元作为奖金发放了出去,其中73名高管获得了超过100万美元的奖金,其中大多数人都是要为其把公司、国家拖入深渊的高风险金融衍生品负责的(Jackie Calmes, New York Times, March 18, 2009; Bill Saporito, Time, March 30, 2009)。在公众的怒火下,这些华尔街高管们甚至感觉非常委屈,美国政府拥有A.I.G 80%的股份(相当于是个国有公司),当财政部部长要求CEO取消奖金发放时,CEO拒绝了,表示“需要奖金留住高水平的员工,以便让他们来摆脱这些不良资产”。一位华尔街交易员在接受《名利场》采访时表示无法理解公众对他们的愤怒之情,因为他们也是金融海啸的受害者(比如他们的奖金跟去年和前年相比减少了一半),一位投资公司的CEO这样来形容金融海啸“就像农业会遇到气候好的年份和灾荒年份”一样,经济危机不过是自然规律就像会天气也会刮风下雨。这种不是坏就是傻的说法完全规避了人为的贪婪和高风险所导致的金融崩盘,他还能够或恬不知耻或堂而皇之自己都信了说出来——可见,精英们已经被“特权”惯坏了。2008年,金融海啸吞噬一切的年份,华尔街的各大公司总共发放了160亿美元的奖金(Shnayerson,Wall Streets $16 Billion Bonus, Vanity Fair, 2009)。“奖金门”事件也成为了占领华尔街的导火索之一——既然精英阶层是这样给我们诠释法律和规则的,那我们底层人民就用丛林法则的力量展示给他们看看。
真相是:“The Shining Path (Sendero Luminosos) Maoist guerrillas were formed by university professor Abimael Guzman in the late 1960s and were based upon Marxist ideology. At the time, Guzman was teaching philosophy at San Cristóbal of Huamanga University, while engaging in left-wing politics. He attracted many like-minded young academics to his cause of staging a radical revolution in Peru. He visited the Peoples Republic of China in the mid-1960s and his collection of inchoate ideas was profoundly influenced by Maoist theories, which became the basis of the ideological foundations of the Shining Path. In 1980, he launched his campaign to overthrow the Peruvian government.”(1)
Shining Path was founded in 1970 by Abimael Guzman (“Comrade Gonzalo”), a philosophy teacher inspired by the writings of Peruvian Marxist, Jose Carlos Mariategui. The name Shining Path came directly from a passage in Mariategui’s writing, “Marxism-Leninism will open the shining path to revolution.(2)
Shining Path由1970年由Abimael Guzman(“Gonzalo同志”)创立,这是一位受秘鲁马克思主义者Jose Carlos Mariategui作品启发的哲学教师。 “光辉之路”这个名字直接来自马里亚泰伊写作的一段话,“马克思列宁主义将为革命打开光辉的道路。
“When it first launched the internal conflict in Peru in 1980, its goal was to overthrow the state and replace it with “New Democracy“. ”(3)
“don’t think so, according to their “theoretical” framework, they were (and are still according to their true believers in Europe and the USA) in the stage of “New Democracy” on which Mao, their god wrote in 1940
“The republic will take certain necessary steps to confiscate the land of the landlords and distribute it to those peasants having little or no land, carry out Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s slogan of “land to the tiller”, abolish feudal relations in the rural areas, and turn the land over to the private ownership of the peasants. A rich peasant economy will be allowed in the rural areas. Such is the policy of “equalization of landownership”. “Land to the tiller” is the correct slogan for this policy. In general, socialist agriculture will not be established at this stage, though various types of co-operative enterprises developed on the basis of “land to the tiller” will contain elements of socialism.”(4)
看资料吧:“Initially, Shining Path targeted local authorities (mayors, governors and mid-level bureaucrats) police barracks, and local political leaders. However, experts believe that by 1983, the group gradually began to target wealthy peasants and state agency heads with violence and the threat of abduction, as well as launched comparable attacks against left-wing activists, grass-roots organizers, and left-liberal intellectuals. This change in strategy eventually proved counterproductive for the insurgents because they were not able to capture the hearts and minds of the average Peruvian by their violent tactics. Instead, villagers were subject to the unremitting brutality by Shining Path and were unprotected by the military and intelligence services. Both the first Alan Garcia administration and his successor, Alberto Fujimori, used intimidation to tromp out local citizens. The Garcia government, as did the Belaúnde government before it, used tortures and randomly assassinated citizens for their alleged backing or at least sympathy for Shining Path.”(1)
The Lucanamarca massacre was a massacre of 69 peasants in and around the town of Lucanamarca, Peru that took place on April 3, 1983. The massacre was perpetrated by the Shining Path, the Maoist guerrilla organization that launched the internal conflict in Peru.(5)
The Shining Path never gained much support among the Peruvian public. Rural villagers, often torn between supporting the rebels or the government, were eventually targeted by the guerrillas for participating in elections or not providing supplies.
The Shining Path was distinct from other insurgencies across Latin America in idealizing the “blood quota.” Dying for the cause was romanticized through extensive rhetoric such as “crossing the river of blood.” The results were not only a fiercely determined corps of militants, but also harsh treatment of its victims. The Shining Path quickly attracted the world’s attention for its lethal brutality. The rebels often held public executions — sometimes mass executions — by stoning.(2)
The condition of the poor continued to worsen, but the many calls for national insurrection by Shining Path have not been successful. Peruvians were certainly poor, but the violence of Shining Path was repugnant to the impoverished middle classes and, in a certain way, provoked indifference among the peasants. Certainly the murder of many cells of the Maoists, some in massacres within prisons, took a heavy tool on the direction of the movement.
In his many interviews, pamphlets and revolutionary literature, Abimael Guzman has never offered a political vision that could be embraced by the industrial workers or the unemployed. The new State, a vague phrase, like “after the revolution” in the ’30s, is not a promise of a brighter future, but demands indoctrination, work and obedience. In a tropical nation that still takes its siesta time very seriously, this is a letdown to any potential revolutionary.(6)
相关资料:What little military training they did receive consisted mostly of Maoist principles on guerrilla warfare.33 This highlights the central importance that Guzmán placed on ideology, as well as his callous attitude towards human life. While the lives of the insurgents were clearly expendable, party discipline and faith in the leadership were not issues to be taken lightly.
Through the development of an ideology that placed supreme importance on the role of the central leadership, and which asked party activists to continually expose their own failings and publicly admit their weaknesses, Guzmán was able to transform himself into a hero, a legend, and the unquestioned leader of the Shining Path. Following his adoption of the nom de guerre Presidente Gonzalo, Guzmán’s status steadily rose. He presented his ideas as Pensamiento Gonzalo (Gonzalo Thought), a “development” of Marxist-Leninist theory, blending Mariátegui’s analysis of the political and economic situation in Peru with the application of Mao Zedong’s revolutionary precepts, practices, and guerrilla strategies.34 Despite the rising death toll of both guerrillas and civilians, faith in Pensamiento Gonzalo seemed to remain strong among party militants.(7)
They also engaged in “Criticism and Self-criticism“, a Maoist practice intended to purge bad habits and avoid the repetition of mistakes. During the existence of the First Military School, members of the Central Committee came under heavy criticism. Guzmán did not, and he emerged from the First Military School as the clear leader of the Shining Path.[9](3)
事实上,光辉道路也并没有成为历史:Since the arrest of its leader, Abimael Guzmán, in September 1992, the Shining Path has operated at a greatly decreased level but it remains active.162
The Shining Path is currently led by Victor Quispe (“Comrade Jose”).
光辉道路目前由Victor Quispe(“Jose同志”)领导。
In 2011, Shining Path lawyers submitted 360,000 signatures to register as a new political party, Movadef. The electoral authority denied the registration on the grounds the organization advocated terrorism.
While the Shining Path once posed a serious threat to topple the state, the group is partially focused on drug trafficking, while other factions attempt to register as a political party and free Abimael Guzman, who is now 80 years old.(2)
On March 25, 2008 Shining Path rebel members working with drug traffickers killed a police officer and wounded 11 on anti-drug patrols. The unit is said to have been led by one of Shining Path’s last remaining leaders—Comrade Artemio. Comrade Mono—who eventually was caught in March of this year was, in fact, part of another branch of the Shining Path hierarchy.
In recent months, there have been accounts of political kidnappings and murders which could be an indication of the recrudescence of the Shining Path. Other reports have told of police forces closing in on them. Shining Path is rumored to be financing their reviving terrorist activities by charging for protecting drug-traffickers and intertwining the organization with coca production and distribution networks. Consequently, Peruvians may soon find themselves dealing with an increase in drug violence, a growing insurgency and an increase in government repression.(1)