恐怖分子大部分是穆斯林?事实跟你以为的完全不一样(Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close)


Dean Obeidallah

What percentage of terror attacks in the United States and Europe are committed by Muslims? Guess. Nope. Guess again. And again…


“Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims.” How many times have you heard that one? Sure, we heard Fox News’s Brian Kilmeade say it, but to me, that was simply part of the Fox News plan to make their viewers dumber, as we saw again this past weekend when its terrorism “expert” Steve Emerson was caught fabricating the story that Birmingham, England, is closed to non-Muslims. But more alarmingly, even some reasonable people have uttered this statement.

「不是所有穆斯林都是恐怖份子,但所有恐怖份子都是穆斯林。」这句话你听过几次?没错,这是福斯新闻(Fox News)主播布莱恩吉米德( Brian Kilmeade)说的。我认为这只是福斯新闻让观众变更笨的其中一个手段。回顾上周末,恐怖主义「专家」史帝夫爱默森(Steve Emerson)被发现把英国伯明翰捏造为非穆斯林禁止进入的区域1。更惊人的是,有些明理的人也曾发表过这类言论。

And that comment is often followed up by the question: Why don’t we see Christian, Buddhist, or Jewish terrorists?Obviously, there are people who sincerely view themselves as Muslims who have committed horrible acts in the name of Islam. We Muslims can make the case that their actions are not based on any part of the faith but on their own political agenda. But they are Muslims, no denying that.


However, and this will probably shock many, so you might want to take a breath: Overwhelmingly, those who have committed terrorist attacks in the United States and Europe aren’t Muslims. Let’s give that a moment to sink in.


Now, it’s not your fault if you aren’t aware of that fact. You can blame the media. (Yes, Sarah Palin and I actually agree on one thing: The mainstream media sucks.)


So here are some statistics for those interested. Let’s start with Europe. Want to guess what percent of the terrorist attacks there were committed by Muslims over the past five years? Wrong. That is, unless you said less than 2 percent.

提供一些数据给有兴趣的人。首先是欧洲。猜猜看过去五年间有多少百分比的恐怖攻击是由穆斯林发动的?我想你会猜错,除非你说出低于2%的答案 。

As Europol, the European Union’s law-enforcement agency, noted in its report released last year, the vast majority of terror attacks in Europe were perpetrated by separatist groups. For example, in 2013, there were 152 terror attacks in Europe. Only two of them were “religiously motivated,” while 84 were predicated upon ethno-nationalist or separatist beliefs.

欧盟的执法机构「欧洲刑警组织」(Europol)去年发布的一份报告指出,欧洲绝大多数的恐怖攻击是由分离主义团体 所为,例如2013年欧洲发生了152起恐怖攻击事件,其中只有2起是「宗教性动机」,而有84起是基于国族主义或分离主义的信念。

We are talking about groups like France’s FLNC, which advocates an independent nation for the island of Corsica. In December 2013, FLNC terrorists carried out simultaneous rocket attacks against police stations in two French cities. And in Greece in late 2013, the left-wing Militant Popular Revolutionary Forces shot and killed two members of the right-wing political party Golden Dawn. While over in Italy, the anarchist group FAI engaged in numerous terror attacks including sending a bomb to a journalist. And the list goes on and on.

这里谈的像是法国一个主张科西嘉群岛为独立国家的团体「科西嘉民族解放阵线」(FLNC)。2013年12月,FLNC的恐怖份子同时对法国两个城市的警察局发射火箭攻击。2013年底,希腊的激进左翼组织「武装人民革命力量」(Militant Popular Revolutionary Forces)开枪射杀极右派政党「金色黎明党」(Golden Dawn)两名成员。在意大利,无政府主义团体「意大利无政府主义联盟」(FAI)从事多次恐怖攻击,包括寄送炸弹给记者。类似的例子不胜枚举。

Have you heard of these incidents? Probably not. But if Muslims had committed them do you think you our media would’ve covered it? No need to answer, that’s a rhetorical question.


Even after one of the worst terror attacks ever in Europe in 2011, when Anders Breivik slaughtered 77 people in Norway to further his anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, and pro-“Christian Europe” agenda as he stated in his manifesto, how much press did we see in the United States? Yes, it was covered, but not the way we see when a Muslim terrorist is involved. Plus we didn’t see terrorism experts fill the cable news sphere asking how we can stop future Christian terrorists. In fact, even the suggestion that Breivik was a “Christian terrorist” was met with outrage by many, including Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly.

2011年欧洲一起最惨烈的恐怖攻击,挪威的安德斯‧布雷维克(Anders Breivik)屠杀了77人,并在他的宣言中主张反对穆斯林、反对移民并支持「基督教欧洲」(Christian Europe)的理念。事件发生过后,我们在美国看到多少报导呢?没错,媒体确实报导了,但不像是当我们看到一个穆斯林恐怖份子的方式。有线电视新闻里也不会充满反恐专家谈论着如何阻止未来的基督教恐怖份子。事实上,就连暗示布雷维克是一个「基督教恐怖份子」都会激起许多人的愤怒 ,例如福斯新闻的比尔欧莱利(Bill O’Reilly)。

Have you heard about the Buddhist terrorists? Well, extremist Buddhists have killed many Muslim civilians in Burma, and just a few months ago in Sri Lanka, some went on a violent rampage burning down Muslim homes and businesses and slaughtering four Muslims.

你听过佛教恐怖份子吗?在缅甸,极端佛教徒曾经杀害许多穆斯林平民。而就在几个月前的斯里兰卡,一群佛教徒在暴动中烧毁穆斯林的房子及商店,并杀害四位穆斯林 。

Or what about the (dare I mention them) Jewish terrorists? Per the 2013 State Department’s report on terrorism, there were 399 acts of terror committed by Israeli settlers in what are known as “price tag” attacks. These Jewish terrorists attacked Palestinian civilians causing physical injuries to 93 of them and also vandalized scores of mosques and Christian churches.

拿着枪枝手上沾满鲜血的以色列士兵,透过美国的宣传机器(媒体),转为呈现出拿着橄榄枝维护和平的形象。尽管杀人如麻,以色列与美国都不会被认为是「恐怖主义国家」。(影像来源:Transudationism )那么(恕我提到他们)犹太恐怖份子呢?2013年,美国国务院(State Department)的反恐报告中显示,有399起恐怖行动是由以色列定居者从事的「标价攻击」 2。这些犹太恐怖份子攻击巴勒斯坦平民,造成93人受伤,并破坏清真寺和基督教教堂。

Back in the United States, the percentage of terror attacks committed by Muslims is almost as miniscule as in Europe. An FBI study looking at terrorism committed on U.S. soil between 1980 and 2005 found that 94 percent of the terror attacks were committed by non-Muslims. In actuality, 42 percent of terror attacks were carried out by Latino-related groups, followed by 24 percent perpetrated by extreme left-wing actors.


And as a 2014 study by University of North Carolina found, since the 9/11 attacks, Muslim-linked terrorism has claimed the lives of 37 Americans. In that same time period, more than 190,000 Americans were murdered (PDF).In fact in 2013, it was actually more likely Americans would be killed by a toddler than a terrorist. In that year, three Americans were killed in the Boston Marathon bombing. How many people did toddlers kill in 2013? Five, all by accidentally shooting a gun.

北卡罗来纳大学(University of North Carolina)在2014年的一项研究发现,从911攻击事件发生后开始算起,穆斯林相关的恐怖行动夺走37位美国人的生命。而同时间内有超过19万名美国人遭到谋杀(报告内容详见此 )。比起恐怖份子,美国人其实更可能被一个蹒跚学步的小孩子杀掉。2013年的波士顿爆炸事件造成了3位美国人死亡。那么2013年有多少人被幼童杀害呢?答案是5人,原因皆为误触造成开枪射击 。

But our media simply do not cover the non-Muslim terror attacks with same gusto. Why? It’s a business decision. Stories about scary “others” play better. It’s a story that can simply be framed as good versus evil with Americans being the good guy and the brown Muslim as the bad.


Honestly, when is the last time we heard the media refer to those who attack abortion clinics as “Christian terrorists,” even though these attacks occur at one of every five reproductive health-care facilities? That doesn’t sell as well. After all we are a so-called Christian nation, so that would require us to look at the enemy within our country, and that makes many uncomfortable. Or worse, it makes them change the channel.


That’s the same reason we don’t see many stories about how to reduce the 30 Americans killed each day by gun violence or the three women per day killed by domestic violence. But the media will have on expert after expert discussing how can we stop these scary brown Muslims from killing any more Americans despite the fact you actually have a better chance of being killed by a refrigerator falling on you.

每天有30名美国人在枪支暴力中被杀害,同时每天有3名妇女因遭受家暴而死亡,然而我们在媒体上看不到讨论如何减少这些事件的报导。但却不停地有专家上电视大谈怎样阻止可怕的棕色穆斯林杀死更多美国人,尽管你其实更有可能被掉下来的冰箱砸死 。

Look, this article is not going to change the media’s business model. But what I hope it does is cause some to realize that not all terrorists are Muslims. In fact, they are actually a very small percent of those that are. Now, I’m not saying to ignore the dangers posed by Islamic radicals. I’m just saying look out for those refrigerators.


· 1. 美国反恐专家爱默森在福斯节目中宣称,英国伯明翰完全就是一个穆斯林城市,非穆斯林不要进入。

· 2. “Price tag” attacks,意指以色列激进份子近年来对巴勒斯坦平民发动暴力袭击的行为。

