

丹麦,瑞典,荷兰:Police use tear gas at EU docks protest

丹麦:1998: Danish private sector strike

Denmark: hundreds wildcat at public broadcaster

Denmark: Cabin crews wildcat strike grounds flights

Youth riots in Denmark – 4th Day


Health care strikes in Sweden and Denmark


Nov. 15 – SAC calls upon 2.5 million workers to strike

Youth worker protests spread to Sweden

Sweden: Wildcat strikes break out in mines


Iceland workers to strike over Christmas

The Iceland women’s strike, 1975


Student struggle in the Netherlands

Netherlands: Cleaners end strike after 105 days

Netherlands: Wildcat strike at DaimlerCrysler


Shipping traffic halted by wildcat strike in Finland

Finland: indefinite transport strike to start

Finland: Schools to close, rail network to shut down in austerity protest

Strike wave sweeps Finland


Norwegian airport strikes spread

Oil strike in Norway

On Motiva Forlag, Norway, and the class struggles of the 80s


北欧的社会民主党起源于第二国际时期,而第二国际主张的就是社会民主主义(是最原本最初始的社会民主主义,也就是以政治民主+经济民主为最终目标,后来部分凯恩斯主义者盗用了社会民主之名,不过这是另一回事了,考茨基是第二国际的重要成员之一),也就是我所认可并持有的价值观。早在1889年,瑞典社会民主党就正式成立了:1889; Party is constituted officially. Attends the first meeting of the Second International,来源https://www.marxists.org/history/international/social-democracy/sweden/index.htm

Anton Pannekoek (1873-1960) The Dutch astronomer Anton Pannekoek was active in the German Social Democratic Party while living in Germany before the War and contributed to Die Neue Zeit. The leader of the Social Democrats in the Netherlands, after the Russian Revolution, Pannekoek stayed aloof from both the Comintern and the Socialist Parties, taking a syndicalist direction.此人帮助了荷兰社会民主党领导者。来源:https://www.marxists.org/history/international/social-democracy/index.htm

看到了吧,北欧人的福利国家模式可不是吹捧狗屁贵族精神向贵族下跪来的,更不是跪舔政客和财团老板们乞求”合作“来的,而是完完全全的阶级斗争的结果!很可惜,新自由主义肆虐全球打断了北欧人走向社会民主主义的进程(例如,瑞典提出了“雷恩-梅德纳计划”(Rehn—Meidner plan),逐步收购企业主拥有的股份,并逐步将国家转为工人民主制或集体所有民主制。来源:https://www.marxists.org/chinese/reference-books/david-harvey2007/01.htm),但我相信北欧人不会放弃的,就如同这个世界上所有的社会主义者们不会放弃社会主义一样!